

Our office Hours during COVID are the same as our normal hours now:
Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-11am
Our office is closed on Wednesdays and on business days from 12 - 2 for lunch

Dear patients, friends, and family of Healthy Life Chiropractic,
WE ARE OPEN! We truly believe that your chiropractic care is one of the most important defenses against this or any virus. Your nervous system is the master system that controls every cell, tissue, muscle, organ and organ system in your body, including your immune system.

As our city begins to re-open, we want you to feel secure knowing that your health and well-being are very important to us.

Please read the following on how our office is taking action to protect our patients and staff:

  • Every person that enters our office is required to wear a face mask that covers their nose and mouth. This rule will apply to, but not limited to patients, family members of patients, vendors, delivery service workers and our own staff. We will only have a limited supply of face masks available to hand out so please come prepared
  • At every appointment, patients will check in at the front desk and fill out a COVID exposure questionnaire. If you are feeling ill or think you may have been exposed to someone who has COVID, please stay home as you may be required to reschedule your appointment if the assessment indicates you have been exposed to Coronavirus
  • After checking in at the front desk, we ask that you wash your hands with soap in one of our two sinks before getting settled at your adjustment table
  • We are doing our best to seat patients six feet apart and our capacity at 10 people at any given time. If you arrive during a busy pocket, we may ask you to wait outside or in your car until one of the doctors can see you
  • Communal toys and reading materials for the office have been stored away during this time
  • Our staff is cleaning the office many times a day and using antiseptic spray/wipes on all hard surfaces after every patient. All the doctors are washing their hands in between each patient
  • Hand sanitizer and latex gloves will be available around the office for patient use
  • Weather permitting, we are keeping the front and back doors open to ensure proper ventilation

The person best equipped to take care of you is you, but we’ve got your back! Here are some tips to help you and your family feel safe and ready to face the world.

In General:

Wash, wash, wash your hands. Did you know that regular soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizer (and apparently easier to find right now)? To really get clean, wash for at least 20 seconds – which just happens to be equivalent to humming the Happy Birthday song twice!
Be sneeze- and cough-courteous. Coughing or sneezing into the inner crook of your arm, or into the collar of your shirt, catches the droplets that would otherwise end up in the air or on the surfaces around you. Most viruses are transmitted through droplets, so this is important.
Wear a mask. The benefit of a mask is that it controls the outbound expression of germs when someone coughs or sneezes. If you’re healthy, a mask won’t be very effective in preventing the spread of germs. If you’re sick or infected but asymptomatic, and need to be out in the world, a mask can help protect those around you when you cough or sneeze. If you do become sick, please seek appropriate medical attention.
Don’t touch your face! The easiest way to get sick (with any kind of virus) is to introduce germs from your hands to mucus membranes – like your eyes, nose and mouth. Kids may have a hard time with this one, please help gently remind them!
Netflix and chill. If you’re not feeling well (whether it’s coronavirus or an old-school cold) please stay home, cuddle with your pet or a blanket and catch up on your favorite show. We'll see soon.
Personal space. Keep at least 3 feet between you and someone who is sneezing or coughing. Own your bubble.

We are humbled by your loyalty, and we take our responsibility to our patients, families, friends, and community very seriously.

From the onset of this situation, we have been listening to the appropriate sources for accurate and up-to-date information. Please know that we are taking extra precautions to sanitize our office and are following the CDC Public Health Guidelines.
As things evolve, we are actively monitoring the situation and assessing risks, and are ready to implement immediate changes to ensure a high level of safety, should such a need occur. We will continue to communicate with you in a timely and transparent way so you can continue to visit us with confidence.

For over 18 years, we have been committed to providing our patients and community with high-quality chiropractic care and amazing customer service. We’ll be here throughout this situation to serve you, our loyal patients, and take whatever steps are necessary to make sure your health and safety are protected as you visit us during this time. We appreciate your loyalty and patience.

Please take good care of yourselves and each other.

See you soon,
Healthy Life Chiropractic


We listen. We care. We get results.